Investing into your roofing system by opting for commercial roof maintenance is a wise step to take, as both a business owner and a consumer.
No matter how exceptional the material and installation of your new roof, for performance and longevity it comes down to the maintenance. You are
only doing yourself, your company and your roof a disservice, if your fail to stay abreast of the ongoing required care.
By making the wise choice to partner with H. Klein & Sons, Inc. for your roofing service needs, you can be rest assured that the work will be topnotch. Various types of roofing materials have different projected lifespans, but your roof should last at least 20 years. Fail to care for it properly, and you could end up drastically reducing that time frame.
Local Roof Maintenance Experts
Learning more about roof maintenance is important. Even though you are not the one who will be performing the work, it is a good idea to familiarize yourself with the schedule, red flag indicators that you may need repairs and other details, such as:
You should have your commercial roofing inspected twice a year, and following any severe weather-related events. In the spring and fall, conduct a visual scan, but let a pro provide a detailed assessment of the current condition. This is an idea way to spot trouble that may be developing and thwart it before it gets worse.
Of course, the main concern for roofing is preventing and repairing leaks. Moisture penetrating the roof spells big trouble and can quickly compromise the structural integrity of the entire roofing system.
Make sure that you are cleaning gutters and clearing away brush. These are details building owners tend to overlook, even though clogged gutters or overgrown brush can wreak havoc on your rooftop.
Limit the amount of storage and foot traffic you have on your flat roof system. Even though it should be built to handle it, there is no reason for the extra strain.
Superior Care & Results for Roof Maintenance
H. Klein & Sons, Inc. cannot stress enough the importance of ongoing care for your rooftop. Commercial roofing maintenance is one of our areas
of expertise, and has been since the business first started in 1902. We are dedicated to educating and providing service for our clients, in order
to protect the most important aspects of your building – the roof.
If you are looking for an exceptional Long Island commercial roof maintenance service then please call 516-746-0163 or complete our online request form.